All Farms companies in Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom
The full list of companies in the Farms category in Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom. We invite you to view the complete contact details, opening times and other information about Farms in Newport.
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- B J Lawton , Newport, Shropshire TF10 8ED 01952 811919
- G A Hooper Guild of Monks Farm, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9DE 01785 824362
- G Holmes Sutton Bank Farm, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8DD 01952 813658
- Heaths Of Stockton Stockton Grange, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9BA 01952 691505
- J E Mansell High Street, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8JY 01952 810858
- J Gough Ltd Coach House, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8DS 01952 550339
- K G Philips & Son Walton Grange, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9DW 01952 691101
- M E Furniss Caynton Manor, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NF 01952 550324
- P G Bloor , Newport, Shropshire TF10 9DY 01952 691544
- R Evans & Son New Guild, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9DE 01952 811576
- Shutt & Mansell Flashbrook Manor, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8EA 01952 550320
- W H Price & Partners Warwick Cottage, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8BX 01952 811496
- Wilfred Maddocks Ltd Chadwell Grange, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9BG 01952 691600
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